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Typing a Recording – too much trouble? Here’s how to get it done quickly

Typing a Recording – too much trouble? Here’s how to get it done quickly
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Help – the boss has asked me to type a transcript of a recording. What do I do?

Don’t worry; obtaining a transcript of an audio recording is extremely easy and something that if you are a secretary or PA you really should not be doing.


Because to complete a transcript of a recording successfully you will need to be able to concentrate in pretty much virtual silence, and be able to exclude all other work whilst you do it, because otherwise it is highly likely you will make a large number of mistakes.

Explain this to your boss and say that although you are quite capable of undertaking audio typing, doing a transcript of a recording is a little bit different. It requires the services of a professional transcription company.

So if your boss says “go, transcribe this” and emails you a recording then email straight back to say that although you would love to help, it is not going to be very cost effective for you to have to concentrate on typing out the recording for the next 3 to 4 hours whilst your boss answers the telephone and does all your other work for you. Point out that he could save a considerable amount of time and effort simply by visiting www.tptranscription.co.uk, filling out a quick form to get a price, clicking a button to upload his file and sitting back and waiting for the return.

The cost?

Considerably less than if your boss had to do all your work for you whilst you sat and tried to type out the recording. It would also take you a lot longer than one of the professionals at tptranscription.co.uk, who is highly experienced at detecting words spoken on audio and is not going to need to spend any time answering telephone calls, doing photocopying or fielding enquiries at reception at the same time as focusing on completing an accurate transcription of your boss’s recording.

For details of the service offered by www.tptranscription.co.uk, including a guaranteed sure fire way of increasing your boss’s profits, please visit www.tptranscription.co.uk.