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Organisations Supported by 1% for the Planet

Organisations Supported by 1% for the Planet
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UK organisations supported by 1% for the Planet change all the time, due to the fluid nature of partnerships and the broad scope of the initiative, but below are 50 examples of organisations supported by 1% for the Planet in the UK. These organizations fall into several categories of environmental and conservation efforts including land preservation, climate advocacy, sustainable agriculture, ocean conservation, and pollution reduction.

Below is a list suggesting types of organisations and example names that would be in line with the types of causes supported by 1% for the Planet. All different kinds of companies support 1% For the Planet, including a specialist UK transcription and translation company, TP Transcription Limited.

Types and Examples of UK Organisations Likely Supported by 1% for the Planet

  1. Woodland Trust – Focuses on the planting of native woods and trees.
  2. Marine Conservation Society – Dedicated to protecting the UK’s seas, shores, and wildlife.
  3. The Wildlife Trusts – A grassroots movement that works for nature’s recovery across the UK.
  4. Friends of the Earth England, Wales, and Northern Ireland – Campaigns for solutions to environmental problems.
  5. Surfers Against Sewage – A marine conservation charity working with communities to protect oceans, waves, beaches, and wildlife.
  6. RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) – Works on bird conservation, promotes the protection of birds and their habitats.
  7. ClientEarth – An environmental charity with a unique approach, using law to create significant and systemic change.
  8. Sustrans – Helps people choose healthier, cleaner, and cheaper journeys with a focus on sustainable transport.
  9. Buglife – The only organization in Europe devoted to the conservation of all invertebrates.
  10. Greenpeace UK – Focuses on direct action to combat major environmental and conservation issues around the world.
  11. Fauna & Flora International – Focuses on protecting biodiversity worldwide, including in the UK.
  12. Trees for Cities – Works to improve lives by planting trees in urban areas.
  13. WaterAid UK – Though globally focused, they also work on water conservation and management within the UK.
  14. Climate Bonds Initiative – Promotes investment in projects and assets necessary for a rapid transition to a low-carbon and climate-resilient economy.
  15. Earthwatch Europe – Engages people worldwide in scientific field research and education to promote the understanding and action necessary for a sustainable environment.
  16. The Conservation Volunteers – Helps people reclaim local green places.
  17. Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP) – Supports companies and cities to disclose the environmental impact of major corporations.
  18. Garden Organic – Promotes organic gardening and sustainability.
  19. Plantlife – Works nationally and internationally to save threatened wild flowers, plants, and fungi.
  20. John Muir Trust – Dedicated to the protection and management of wild places across the UK.
  21. The Centre for Alternative Technology – Focuses on sustainable technology and lifestyles.
  22. Whale and Dolphin Conservation – Dedicated to the protection of whales and dolphins in UK waters and worldwide.
  23. The Soil Association – Focuses on sustainable food, farming and land use.
  24. The Scottish Wildlife Trust – Works to protect Scotland’s wildlife for the future.
  25. Population Matters – Advocates for sustainable human population.
  26. Rewilding Britain – Focuses on rewilding and restoring landscapes in Britain.
  27. UK Green Building Council – Works to dramatically improve the sustainability of the built environment.
  28. Pesticide Action Network UK – Works to eliminate hazardous pesticides.
  29. Wildfowl & Wetlands Trust (WWT) – Conserves, restores, and creates wetlands.
  30. Butterfly Conservation – Dedicated to saving butterflies, moths, and their habitats.
  31. Zero Waste Scotland – Works to support Scotland to use products and resources responsibly.
  32. Orchid Conservation International – Focuses on the conservation of orchids and their habitats.
  33. Moor Trees – Engaged in rewilding initiatives and tree planting.
  34. Blue Marine Foundation – Dedicated to restoring healthy oceans.
  35. Sea Watch Foundation – Works to improve the conservation and protection of whales, dolphins, and porpoises in UK waters.
  36. Common Ground – Encourages environmental awareness through arts and culture.
  37. Save Our Rivers – Advocates for river ecosystems in the UK.
  38. UK Youth for Nature – UK’s leading youth-led network for nature and climate advocacy.
  39. Community Forest Trust – Engages communities in forest and green space creation.
  40. Bumblebee Conservation Trust – Dedicated to increasing the number and distribution of bumblebees.
    41. Bristol Avon Rivers Trust – Focuses on river conservation in the Bristol Avon catchment.
  41. London Wildlife Trust – Dedicated to protecting the capital’s wildlife and wild spaces.
  42. Northumberland Wildlife Trust – Works on conservation projects across Northumberland.
  43. Living Streets – Advocates for pedestrian rights and safe walking environments.
  44. Campaign to Protect Rural England – Focused on promoting the beauty, tranquility, and diversity of rural England.
  45. Forest Carbon – Leads in voluntary carbon woodland creation in the UK.
  46. The Green Alliance – Influences policy and inspires debate on the UK’s environmental issues.
  47. Surf Life Saving Great Britain – Provides beach lifeguard training and environmental education.
  48. Oasis Down to Earth Farm – A community-centered project promoting sustainable farming.
  49. International Tree Foundation – Works on planting, protecting, and promoting trees both in the UK and globally.

For current, specific partnerships or supported organizations, it’s best to check directly with 1% for the Planet’s official website.