How to secure a deal in business
This article is about the art of compromise and knowing when to agree and when to disagree. It is not written by an expert, but by somebody who regularly fails to make the correct decision or do the right thing. In business it is often said that some work is better than no work at…

How to be Happy – Be Philanthropic?
Philanthropy is good for you – or is it? The key to a successful and rewarding career as well as a happy life is to think of others around you and not just yourself. For years I have worked in a profession where at least 50% of the people around me in other competing businesses…

What Happens at Mediation (ADR)
Mediation is something that law students have been learning about since the early 1990s when alternative dispute resolution (ADR) came into view. It is the idea that rather than going through an expensive court procedure, the parties get together and attempt to resolve a case without needing to resort to further proceedings and relying on…

How to be Happy – Regret Nothing
To have a happy life you need to make sure that anything you do you are either happy, not happy, totally traumatised by, or overwhelmed by. Anything you do should be done in the moment and not looked back on later with regret. Easier said than done. It is very simple to think about regretting… – what a scam (and a clever idea) is a fascinating but ultimately quite dangerous website offering quick and easy traffic to a website, something most webmasters are desperate for. This is how I found it, and also why it is so clever. On one of my company sites,, we have Google Analytics set up, and it came up with the… (1 comment)

How to be happy in your job
So many people are in jobs they think they hate. They hate their boss, they hate the location of the work, they hate the hours they do and they hate the customers they have to deal with. Others just don’t like the concept of working. Some people think there is greener grass on the other…

How to be Happy – avoid envy
Being envious of others is possibly one of the worst things you can do to guarantee a miserable life. It doesn’t matter how much money you have, what success you enjoy or what kind of happy family existence you are experiencing if you are never happy with your lot in life. There are so many…

Self-Employment – the key to happiness?
The key to being happy and contented in life is to have a good work/life balance, which I think is virtually impossible to do if you are in employment rather than self employment or running your own business. This is a fairly contentious point and I’m sure there are thousands if not millions of people…

Don’t Trust the Banks – avoid debt
A lot of people think that the way to go into business by yourself is to emulate one of the contestants on Dragon’s Den. For those who have never seen it, Dragon’s Den is the BBC’s idea of what small businesses ought to do. A small business should come up with an idea, and then…

Is Sage Accounts a Lame Duck?
Sage Software from the north east of England has been a serious contender for the most used accountancy package for a business in the UK, and if not across the western world. It is recommended by large numbers of accountants, and bookkeepers and accountants alike have been happily using it for generations. It started out…